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Monthly Archives: October 2011

I’ve decided to make public the summary of my lessons, thoughts, feelings, and experiences from my Watson year so anyone interested can benefit from this immensely transformative personal experience of mine. You can read my five-page summary report to the Watson Foundation along with their reply here.

In other news, this weekend is my last weekend living in Lake Tahoe, California. I’ve been here for a month staying with my good friend David, trying to decompress from a year of world travel while beginning the exploration of my home country. On Wednesday, I will catch a train to San Francisco in order to attend the Bioneers conference, a gathering of some of the world’s biggest sustainability thinkers, activists, and innovators. Very excited to connect with amazing people and projects afoot here in the U.S.!

A few pictures to give a flavor of my Tahoe experience:

Lake Tahoe viewed from 9,739 feet (2,968 meters) from the top of Mt. Tallac. Notice that you can't see it all - this massive lake is the second deepest in the U.S. and the 26th largest in the world.


looking West from Mt. Tallac at the Sierra Nevada mountains in Desolation Wilderness


wise old tree stands alone in Desolation Wilderness; Tahoe lurks in the background


looking out across Desolation Wilderness from Mt. Tallac. Lake Gilbert, middle, provided a nice home for the night